July 12, 2022

Sales People

The Messy Relationship between Sales Reps and the Customer Relationship Management Systems (CRMs)

Why do sales reps prefer not to use customer relationship management (CRM) systems? Is there a way to ensure that they use these CRM systems? Read about the three primary reasons why salespeople aren’t using CRMs.

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Salespeople don’t like to use CRM systems. As a result, the CRMs database is poorly maintained, and the benefits of these CRMs underutilised. Looking at this situation, the question of “Why do sales reps prefer not to use CRM systems?” needs to be answered in detail. Focusing on solutions and not only problems, but we also want to point out the options of ensuring that sales reps use their CRM systems. The following article regards three primary reasons for not using a CRM.

Manual Data Entry

Currently, most businesses are data-centric; better and more data enable companies to get insights that drive an increase in revenue. Most of the time, the customer data is collected and periodically input manually into the CRM systems. Performing the task is simple and requires little to no effort to implement. However, its repetitive nature makes it a tedious process that is error prompt.

An activity that most, if not all, sales reps despise, not only because it’s monotonous but also because using CRMs is not part of their job description. Information gaps in data, which are fraudulent and tedious work, usually lead to a loss of trust from both salesperson and stakeholders.

How can the problem of “manual data entry” be solved? How can this process be made easier? Being pushed into manually inputting data in CRMs is a problem most sales reps would like solved through automation. A CRM system is accessible through cross-platforms and different devices, i.e. smartphones, tablets and computers. Synchronicity should be effortless; completely automation of processes (e.g. through email and call scheduling ) and integration into other tools should be possible to foster the automation processes.

CRM system is Arduous to use

It is essential to ensure that any software is easy for its intended clients; otherwise, the clients would not use it. For software, simplicity is the core objective with maximal functionalities that matches the value of money spent.

With a CRM system that is difficult to use, will most salespeople opt to use more accessible, free and familiar software like spreadsheets? If working with CSMs is difficult, will Sales teams find it hard to understand and hence not use it? In not using CRMs, the salespeople overlook the benefits of sales activity and performance towards maintaining and connecting to clients, not forgetting the value of other activities like Marketing. Sales teams have no reason to return and use these CRMs and fail in the long run.

With their quota to meet, sales reps will try avoiding complex tasks that do not directly lead to them hitting their Key-Performance-Indicator. The sales reps need context mapped out to help them figure out the bigger picture in their sales pipeline. A CRMs that maps out the context is essential, allowing the sales reps to fully comprehend the needs of clients, including the clients themselves. Using AI and Machine Learning, CRMs provide the best predictions in recommending the following activities to perform, create ideal profiles for target sales or marketing, and generate relevant taking points to keep conversations on track.

CRM Provides no Value

Many sales reps see CRMs as a platform for inputting customer data and activities; hence, there is no value in entering and managing data here. In contrast, there is better software to do this. Sales reps would love to use software that can help with connecting to customers and prospects, close deals and increase revenue.

What is the value of CRMs? The main goal of a CRM is to improve business relationships, but by how far does this help sales reps do their jobs? Does closing deals faster increase revenue? CRM can simplify the sales process with functionality that gives sales teams the power to know more, act quickly and focus in a way that accelerates and closes more deals.

How can CRMs provide value? How can the CRMs drive sales raps into using them? With an increase in AI-driven sales and marketing applications, e.g. lead scoring and opportunity assessment, sales reps can focus on prospects with a higher probability of closing and being the most profitable. CRM systems can identify product gaps and, by doing so, provide upsell and cross-sell recommendations.

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