February 13, 2023

Sales Strategy

The Top 10 Chrome Extensions for B2B Sales

Unlock your sales potential with the right tools! As a salesperson, your role is demanding and requires constant organization and productivity. Stay ahead in today's competitive market by investing in tools that streamline your sales process. Boost your productivity, organization, and chances of closing deals!

Chrome Extensions, Top 10, Chrome Store, B2B Sales, Sales, Sales Processes, Optimise Sales, AI Guided Selling, AI Sales Message Generator, Artificial Intelligence, Sales Software

Get a Competitive Edge in B2B Sales

The role of a B2B sales expert requires constantly being on the move, juggling multiple deals and tasks simultaneously. However, with so much on one’s plate, it’s essential to have the right tools to help stay organized, increase productivity and ultimately close more deals. In today’s competitive sales environment, being on top of your game is essential for staying ahead. With so many solutions vying for prospects’ attention, having the right tools at your fingertips is crucial to give you an edge and help you close more deals. These tools can be chrome extensions, web, mobile, or desktop applications.

Moreover, the right tools can help streamline your sales process, automate your workflows, and manage your contacts and deals. Access to all the information in real-time can help you make informed decisions and increase your chances of closing deals.

What are the Top 10 Chrome Extensions for B2B Sales?

Consequently, having the right tools is crucial to getting a competitive edge as a salesperson and can help increase productivity and streamline sales processes.

So, if you want to gain an advantage, please feel free to add some of these top 10 Chrome extensions to your toolkit.

1. Dealcode AI Message Generator - like ChatGPT for Sales

Dealcode’s AI Message Generator - like ChatGPT for Sales, is an AI-Guided Selling product, a ChatGPT for sales tool that is perfect for B2B sales experts. It is for sales experts looking to streamline their messaging process and easily craft personalized, compelling messages.

Analyzing a prospect’s LinkedIn profile, the tool utilizes more than 200 million Sales data points to generate personalized messages. You can effectively reach out to potential clients or follow up with leads. Therefore boosting B2B sales success and saving time.

Increase your productivity and streamline your sales process with AI Sales Message Generator. Add the Chrome extension to your browser now!
Chrome Extension for B2B Sales: Dealcode AI Message Generator - like ChatGPT for Sales
Dealcode AI Message Generator - like ChatGPT for Sales

Why this chrome extension for B2B Sales?

  • Personalized sales messages: Our streamlined process uses the prospect's Linkedin profile data to generate personalized sales messages, resulting in a 20x higher response rate due to their human-like nature.
  • Instant follow-up generation: As a sales expert, quickly generate personalized follow-ups by inputting the initial response. The tool identifies the prospect's needs and interests through engagement analysis, enabling efficient engagement with leads without manual message creation.
  • Message-specific analysis: Choose specific messages for analysis with the tool. It generates personalized follow-up messages only from the selected data, giving you control over analyzed conversations. Dealcode is located in Germany with stringent security standards and is GDPR compliant through necessary technical and business measures.
  • Effortless installation and usage: Ideal for sales professionals, our solution offers a seamless and straightforward installation with integration into Google Chrome for fast setup. Accessible directly from LinkedIn, it provides instant access to its features.

Use cases for Dealcode AI Message Generator - like ChatGPT for Sales

  • Cold emails and LinkedIn messages for sales outreach at scale.
  • Initial messages, follow-ups, and responses.
  • Personalized messages so that people actually respond to them.
  • Social Media contact requests and Social Selling.

2. Hunter - Email Finder Extension

It’s one of the great Chrome extensions for B2B sales that streamlines finding contact information for businesses and professionals. Therefore by using Hunter, you can quickly locate email addresses and phone numbers, eliminating the need to search multiple sources or manually navigate websites.

Chrome Extension for B2B Sales: Hunter
Chrome Extension: Hunter


• Email finder • Email verifier • campaigns • Domain Search

3. Yesware Sales Engagement

Yesware is one of the must-have chrome extensions for salespeople. It tracks email opens and clicks and allows you to schedule email reminders.

The extension tracks essential metrics such as email opens and clicks, giving you insight into your email campaigns. Additionally, it enables you to schedule email reminders, ensuring you always remember to follow up with a prospect.

Chrome Extension for B2B Sales: Email Tracking by Yesware
Image by Yesware


• Email and attachment tracking • Multi-channel campaign • Meeting scheduler • Email templates • Prospector • Reporting & analytics

4. Clearbit Connect

Clearbit Connect is an extension that helps you find professional email addresses and company information. This tool lets you quickly research your prospects and be better prepared for your sales calls. It browses through a company’s website and extracts and verifies email addresses.

Clearbit Connect - Finding Dealcode’s information
Clearbit Connect - Finding Dealcode’s information


• Find company information • Search for prospect’s information • Identiy ideal customers as you browse • Filter to find any email by company

5. The Crunchbase - B2B Company & Contact Info

It provides access to the Crunchbase platform directly from the Google Chrome browser via Chrome extensions. Additionally, offering a convenient way for B2B sales professionals to search for companies, people, and investors. With the ability to view profiles and access contact information, sales professionals can better understand their target companies and identify potential leads and decision-makers without leaving their browsers.

Example: Crunchbase usage
Example: Crunchbase usage


• Lead Generation • Company profile and contact information • Investment tracking • news and updates

6. HubSpot Sales

It is a comprehensive sales tool that supports email outreach through its various features. It offers a comprehensive solution known as the Sales Hub by utilizing email tracking, attachment tracking, and automated cadences.

Moreover, the Hubspot Sales chrome extension seamlessly integrates with your Gmail, enabling you to automate your email cadences directly from your inbox effortlessly. This results in automatic updates to leads on the Hubspot CRM.

Image from Hubspot
Image from Hubspot


• Email tracking • CRM for Gmail • Create share email templates • Meeting scheduler • Mobile App - iOS and Android

7. Grammarly

Grammarly is one of the most helpful chrome extensions for writing. This tool helps sales reps write clear, professional, and error-free emails, proposals, and other written communications. By automatically checking for grammar, spelling, punctuation, and other writing issues, Grammarly helps sales reps avoid common mistakes that can undermine their credibility and impact their ability to close deals. Additionally, the tool provides real-time suggestions for improvement, allowing sales reps to communicate effectively and professionally with prospects and clients.

Grammarly at a glance
Grammarly, at a glance


• Spelling checker • Punctuation checker • Tone detector • Auto-citations • Clarity-focused sentence rewrites • Tone adjustments • Vocabulary improvements (word choice, formality level) • Fluency suggestions • Additional advanced suggestion

8. Drift

Drift offers a unique feature that allows you to automatically greet prospects with a personalized message when they visit your website.

Using the Drift chrome extension, you can close the gap between email and real-time website conversations, ensuring that sales reps never miss an opportunity to connect with a prospect at the optimal time. To summarize, sales reps can immediately greet website visitors with tailored messages. Therefore enabling the visitors and respond promptly while the prospect is actively engaged on the site.

Furthermore, Drift boasts several convenient features that make it a compelling choice as your preferred chat subscription.


• One-click meeting booking from email • Personalized message greeting for prospects visiting the website • Tracking of opens and clicks • See Conversation history • Real-time alerts for prospect responses

9. Hiver

It is a customer service solution that helps teams deliver multi-channel customer support from their Gmail inbox. With Hiver, teams can assign, track, and collaborate on customer emails and run advanced analytics and automation without learning any new software.


• A centralized knowledge base for customer self-service. • Live chat and WhatsApp support. • Voice support via an Aircall account. • Loop in teammates with @mentions. • Customer satisfaction surveys.

10. Vidyard

Vidyard is a webcam and screen recorder designed to help B2B sales teams sell better. It allows users to record their webcam, screen quickly, or both, and share their video through a link.


• Capture your screen, and webcam footage from your browser • Distribute your video link through various channels. • Receive notifications when the video is viewed.

Chrome extensions in B2B Sales: Conclusion

Being a successful salesperson requires a high level of organization, productivity, and competitiveness. Furthermore, to achieve these goals, it is crucial to have the right tools that can help streamline the B2B sales process, automate workflows, manage contacts and deals, and provide real-time access to information. Hence, to gain an advantage and close more deals in today’s competitive sales environment, it is recommended to consider incorporating some of these top 10 Chrome extensions for B2B sales into your toolkit.

Start closing more deals with AI Sales Message Generator! Download the Chrome extension now and take your sales game to the next level!

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Use our free Chrome Extension:
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dealcode AI Companion Top Features

• Search and save contacts on LinkedIn
• Enrich and capture business contact data
• Eliminate repetitive and manual tasks
• Improve CRM data quality through intelligent enrichment
• Increase sales efficiency with AI-based outreach at scale

B2B sales teams work efficiently with dealcode AI

“With dealcode AI's platform, we were able to send over 50,000 personalized 1:1 mailings shortly after onboarding. Such a volume would have required at least 20 additional employees, which was completely unrealistic. Dealcode AI therefore played a key role in helping us to achieve our sales targets quickly and efficiently. Especially the personal support and the consideration of our specific industry requirements should be emphasized.”

Adrian Lier

Head of Sales B2B at apo.com Group

"Jungmann Systemtechnik is currently experiencing a revolution in sales with dealcode AI. In a short period, we have achieved significant successes, including hundreds of qualified leads and valuable appointments that have opened up new business horizons for us. The results far surpass previous attempts, and we are excited about the opportunities now available to us. Due to the successes we have achieved with dealcode AI, the next step is to expand the project to additional countries. We are convinced that this is just the beginning of an extraordinary success story."

Dirk Lüders

Marketing & Sales Director International at Jungmann Systemtechnik GmbH & Co. KG

"With dealcode AI, we have revolutionized customer engagement, enhanced our sales efficiency and achieved remarkable success in a highly specialized market. dealcode AI demonstrates that we can achieve more, faster and more effectively than ever before."

Volker Hirsch

Head of Sales at RÖHM GmbH

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