May 8, 2024

AI Guided Selling

Recap: #WeHackSales Event 2024

Organized by dealcode AI, the #WeHackSales event successfully brought together professionals from the AI and sales scenes in Germany. #WeHackSales is the ultimate AI & Sales Networking Event in Hamburg, just before the kickoff of #OMR.

#WeHackSales, Networking Event, Sales AI Event

#WeHackSales 2024

What is the #WeHackSales Event about?

Organized by dealcode AI, the #WeHackSales event successfully brought together professionals from the AI and sales scenes in Germany. #WeHackSales is the ultimate AI & Sales Networking Event in Hamburg, just before the kickoff of #OMR. What's on the Agenda?

  • Engaging discussions on the latest AI trends in sales
  • Insightful talks from industry experts
  • Networking opportunities with like-minded professionals
  • Delicious refreshments at #WeHackSales
dealcode AI is a co-pilot for every B2B sales team. Using autonomous sales AI agents, it streamlines repetitive tasks such as identifying leads, refining data for the CRM, crafting the perfect outreach messages, and prioritizing the right deals. This allows sales reps to focus on building relationships, understanding customer needs, and closing deals, multiplying their productivity. With dealcode, B2B companies build AI sales agents to outperform sales teams of dozens with the power of one.

Recap #WeHackSales May 2024

Mondays #WeHackSales Event marked a significant milestone in the B2B sales realm as industry leaders and AI innovators gathered at the highly anticipated #WeHackSales event. Hosted by dealcode AI, the event proved that artificial intelligence has the transformative potential to revolutionize traditional sales paradigms.

A highlight of the #WeHackSales event was the stellar lineup of speakers who graced the stage, each bringing a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table:

  1. Julius Göllner: Renowned for his insightful analysis of sales trends, Julius Göllner delved into the "State of Sales 2024," offering invaluable perspectives on the evolving landscape of B2B SaaS companies. With his deep understanding of market dynamics, Göllner provided attendees with actionable insights to navigate todays complexities.
  2. Dr. Uve Samuels (Exponential Pioneer): Dr. Samuels captivated the audience with his thought-provoking discourse on the role of empathy as a catalyst for success in sales. Drawing from his extensive experience as an exponential pioneer, he underscored the importance of forging genuine connections with clients and stakeholders, but also knowing 100% who you are and how you want to sell.
  3. Cisar Sadik: Cisar Sadik shed light on the intricacies of cold calling in the digital age at #WeHackSales 2024. With a focus on leveraging AI-powered solutions like ChatGPT, Sadik elucidated strategies to personalize outreach efforts and foster meaningful engagements with prospective clients. His insights provided attendees with actionable tactics to enhance their sales outreach and drive conversion.
  4. Ann-Kathrin de Moy: As a seasoned practitioner in the intersection of AI and sales, Ann-Kathrin de Moy offered a pragmatic perspective on translating theoretical concepts into real-world applications. Her session on "Ki und Vertrieb von der Theorie in die Praxis" provided attendees with actionable strategies to harness the power of AI in driving sales excellence. Moy's expertise bridged the gap between theory and practice, empowering attendees to embrace AI as a catalyst for sales innovation.
  5. Alexander Weltzsch: Last but not least, Alexander Weltzsch captivated the audience with his visionary insights into the future of AI-driven sales at #WeHackSales 2024. In his session titled "Are AI Agents going to sell my products and services?," Weltzsch explored the transformative impact of AI agents on the sales landscape. By delving into case studies and real-world examples, he illuminated the potential of AI to amplify sales effectiveness and drive revenue growth.
#WeHackSales 2024
#WeHackSales 2024
#WeHackSales 2024
#WeHackSales 2024
#WeHackSales 2024

As the day went on, attendees enjoyed lots of interesting experiences. The event connected attendees, let them collaborate, and let them share ideas.

Yesterday's #WeHackSales event was a success thanks to our speakers and attendees. We are excited about the possibilities of AI-driven B2B sales. Watch for more events as we keep innovating and shaping sales together.

We specialize in making sales processes more predictable, scalable and efficient - by using our AI to identify and approach new customers for you. Convince yourself: Discover the free demo.
dealcode AI

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Use our free Chrome Extension:
AI Agents and Sales Co-Pilot

dealcode AI Companion Top Features

• Search and save contacts on LinkedIn
• Enrich and capture business contact data
• Eliminate repetitive and manual tasks
• Improve CRM data quality through intelligent enrichment
• Increase sales efficiency with AI-based outreach at scale

B2B sales teams work efficiently with dealcode AI

“With dealcode AI's platform, we were able to send over 50,000 personalized 1:1 mailings shortly after onboarding. Such a volume would have required at least 20 additional employees, which was completely unrealistic. Dealcode AI therefore played a key role in helping us to achieve our sales targets quickly and efficiently. Especially the personal support and the consideration of our specific industry requirements should be emphasized.”

Adrian Lier

Head of Sales B2B at Group

"Jungmann Systemtechnik is currently experiencing a revolution in sales with dealcode AI. In a short period, we have achieved significant successes, including hundreds of qualified leads and valuable appointments that have opened up new business horizons for us. The results far surpass previous attempts, and we are excited about the opportunities now available to us. Due to the successes we have achieved with dealcode AI, the next step is to expand the project to additional countries. We are convinced that this is just the beginning of an extraordinary success story."

Dirk Lüders

Marketing & Sales Director International at Jungmann Systemtechnik GmbH & Co. KG

"With dealcode AI, we have revolutionized customer engagement, enhanced our sales efficiency and achieved remarkable success in a highly specialized market. dealcode AI demonstrates that we can achieve more, faster and more effectively than ever before."

Volker Hirsch

Head of Sales at RÖHM GmbH

Getting Deals Done with
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