November 24, 2021

AI Guided Selling

What is possible for SaaS and B2B sales through AI Guided Selling

AI Guided Selling software opens up completely new possibilities for sales teams: The skills of the sales reps are combined with the AI ​​and a large amount of data. This leads to higher efficiency, productivity and profit maximization.

AI guided selling, AI guided selling software, ebook, B2B sales, Artificial Intelligence

AI-based applications are the number one guarantee of success in the B2B sales of tomorrow. With the help of AI Guided Selling Software, the skills of sales staff are combined with artificial intelligence. Processes are optimized, data-based recommendations for action are automatically made available for sales teams and deals are concluded more efficiently.

The use of AI guided selling software offers enormous advantages for SaaS B2B sales teams. In this blog article we have summarized for you how AI can better scale sales and the sales team in B2B SaaS sales.

Identification of Ideal Customer Profiles (ICPs):

AI Guided Selling Software evaluates all data from previous customer interactions and over time defines more and more accurate which target group characteristics potential customers have in common, for whom the highest scalability is to be expected. AI-guided sales processes can support the management level of B2B sales in identifying ICPs. For the AI, for example, data on customer lifetime value (CLV), expected profit margins and order volumes are relevant.

Matching sales reps and potential customers:

The first customer approach is one of the most critical phases in the entire B2B sales cycle. How it works mainly decides whether the sales process will be continued or the potential customer will jump out early - and thus the chance of the deal will burst at the beginning of the sales process.

The challenge: At the beginning, the goals of a potential customer are usually not yet apparent to the sales team, which is why the requirements for the upcoming sales process are also unknown.

AI-supported mapping and dynamic resource and sales process planning help to select precisely that member from the entire pool of the sales team who best meets the needs of the potential customer at the beginning of the sales cycle.

This ensures that the first customer approach is as optimal as possible. Since AI Guided Sales Software always brings together the “ideal match” of customer and sales representative, the probability of successful deals is significantly increased.

Selection of the optimal vertical for sales reps

AI guided selling software not only helps to bring together the best match between buyer and contact person, but also to optimally distribute the entire sales team to individual verticals.

AI-supported sales software automatically evaluates all previous successes and failures of a team member in all previous sales processes. In this way, it is quickly apparent in which vertical a sales member has, based on experience, the highest success rate.

AI-controlled software can recommend based on the analyzes that a B2B team member only focuses on a certain customer base or a certain niche within the industry in order to increase sales.

Personalized approach:

B2B sales staff often work with a large number of potential deals at the same time. All customers have different needs and expectations. This fact is made even more difficult by the fact that all contact persons are at different stages of the sales cycle.

No matter how well all available data is maintained in the CRM: Keeping an overview of all ongoing sales processes at all times and deriving relevant actions is almost impossible for sales reps. The negative consequences are non-personalized, unsuitable customer interactions and approaches. These in turn reduce the likelihood of a conclusion.

The B2B sales team should therefore always have all important information on contacts and sales cycles available in real time and in a structured manner. This is exactly where AI Guided Selling Software comes into play and makes it possible to address customers in a personalized manner across all organizational units and sales channels. And is therefore a cornerstone for positive customer experiences.

Determination of the ideal sales process with the highest probability of success:

AI-supported sales software not only automates and optimizes individual steps on the way to the deal, but always has the entire B2B sales cycle in view. The AI ​​always calculates the “ideal path”, i.e. the optimal process for a successful deal. The positive consequences are shortened sales cycles and increased profit probabilities.

AI Guided Selling Software acts like a kind of navigation app for sales: depending on the vehicle, destination, time of day or time of year, the user receives a different recommendation for the optimal route to the destination.

Identification of strengths and weaknesses of the sales staff:

With the help of artificial intelligence data is collected and evaluated based on the actions of sales representatives within the sales cycle. Thus, the application also recognizes which personal strengths and weaknesses a team member has. For example, specialization opportunities can be recognized and the B2B team can be better scaled.

Pricing Recommendations:

Which customers should I offer a different price at what time in order to close a deal successfully?

If a competitor has reduced the price of a product, AI-controlled sales software also knows this and independently interprets the effects this has on its own pricing policy.

Choosing the right communication channel:

What is the probability that a customer will react to an email or a message via social media? Has contacting customer through another communication channel proven more efficient in the past?

These and similar questions become obsolete with the use of AI in B2B sales for sales teams, because AI guided selling software is always one step ahead. It does not give sales reps the answers to questions of this kind, but recommends suitable actions based on the data analyzes.

Choosing the optimal time to contact:

Based on the analysis of previous customer behavior, when is the best time for the sales team to proactively contact them? Which potential customers should be particularly monitored at which point in time? With AI-controlled sales software, sellers also receive automated recommendations for this and are reminded, for instance, if they neglect a contact.

Increased efficiency:

Through the automated analysis of customer activities, AI Guided Selling Software can empirically identify the best opportunities to close promising deals as quickly as possible. In this way, sales organizations always know which contacts the focus should currently be on in order to increase scaling.

Identification of bounce tendencies:

AI-controlled sales software issues warning messages when the likelihood of loosing a contact is increased. By recommending appropriate countermeasures, it is ensured that the communication to promising customers is not neglected and that the sales team does not miss any deals.

Know-how transfer:

Organizing and proactively sharing data within the team is the responsibility of each individual member in B2B sales, but is often neglected in practice. Also because the amount of data is increasing, an optimal transfer of knowledge is hardly possible without the support of technologies.

AI Guided Selling Software can support the transfer of know-how within the company by identifying deficits in knowledge management and automatically distributing information to the relevant points in the sales process. In order for AI applications to create more transparency in sales organizations, unrestricted compatibility with the CRM used is a prerequisite.

Market responsiveness:

AI-controlled sales software also permanently collects data on market changes and incorporates this into its analyzes. For example, AI Guided Selling Software can provide B2B sales teams with recommendations for action on pricing policy that dynamically adapt to changing structures in the market in real time.

In short: AI Guided Selling cracks the dealcode and leads sales teams to the next deal as quickly as possible.


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B2B sales teams work efficiently with dealcode AI

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