April 17, 2024

AI Guided Selling

Meet dealcode AI at ARRtist Circus 2024

We are excited to announce that dealcode will be participating in the ARRtist Circus 2024! As one of Europe's premier events for top talent in sales and customer success, the ARRtist Circus brings together industry leaders, innovators, and experts for a unique blend of networking, learning, and entertainment.

ARRtist Circus, Sales Event, Customer Success Event

We are excited to announce that dealcode will be participating in the ARRtist Circus 2024! As one of Europe's premier events for top talent in sales and customer success, the ARRtist Circus brings together industry leaders, innovators, and experts for a unique blend of networking, learning, and entertainment.

About the ARRtist Circus:

The ARRtist Circus is a one-of-a-kind festival that gathers Europe's most successful sales and customer success teams in the tech industry. With over 100 hours of networking opportunities, 80 workshops featuring the most relevant speakers, and an informal environment filled with music and games, the ARRtist Circus promises an unforgettable experience for attendees.

Why Attend the ARRtist Circus:

Here are five compelling reasons to join us at the ARRtist Circus:

  • Dive into unparalleled sales and customer success knowledge with over 30 keynotes and master classes from Europe's best sellers and CSMs.
  • Participate in hands-on trainings with over 50 workshops and roundtables, led by industry experts.
  • Test your skills and teamwork against 100 other Sales and Success teams in thrilling challenges.
  • Enjoy the Circus Aftershow Party with top DJs, free drinks, and surprises to boost your motivation.
  • Gain exclusive access to the VIP dinner and Leadership Lounge to expand your network and be inspired by industry leaders.

Dealcode Workshop:

ARRtist Circus dealcode AI

Our Co-Founder, Alexander Weltzsch, will be hosting a workshop at ARRtist Circus titled "Become an AI Juggler: Master the High-Wire Act of Lead Generation, AI-Powered Outreach, and Deal Conversion." Join us for insightful discussions and practical tips on leveraging AI to optimize your sales process.

Visit Our Booth:

We invite you to visit our booth for further discussions and networking opportunities. Our team will be available to answer any questions and showcase how Dealcode can revolutionize your sales strategy with AI-powered outreach.

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to elevate your sales game and network with industry leaders at the ARRtist Circus 2024. We look forward to seeing you there!

ARRtist Circus dealcode AI

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Use our free Chrome Extension:
AI Agents and Sales Co-Pilot

dealcode AI Companion Top Features

• Search and save contacts on LinkedIn
• Enrich and capture business contact data
• Eliminate repetitive and manual tasks
• Improve CRM data quality through intelligent enrichment
• Increase sales efficiency with AI-based outreach at scale

B2B sales teams work efficiently with dealcode AI

“With dealcode AI's platform, we were able to send over 50,000 personalized 1:1 mailings shortly after onboarding. Such a volume would have required at least 20 additional employees, which was completely unrealistic. Dealcode AI therefore played a key role in helping us to achieve our sales targets quickly and efficiently. Especially the personal support and the consideration of our specific industry requirements should be emphasized.”

Adrian Lier

Head of Sales B2B at apo.com Group

"Jungmann Systemtechnik is currently experiencing a revolution in sales with dealcode AI. In a short period, we have achieved significant successes, including hundreds of qualified leads and valuable appointments that have opened up new business horizons for us. The results far surpass previous attempts, and we are excited about the opportunities now available to us. Due to the successes we have achieved with dealcode AI, the next step is to expand the project to additional countries. We are convinced that this is just the beginning of an extraordinary success story."

Dirk Lüders

Marketing & Sales Director International at Jungmann Systemtechnik GmbH & Co. KG

"With dealcode AI, we have revolutionized customer engagement, enhanced our sales efficiency and achieved remarkable success in a highly specialized market. dealcode AI demonstrates that we can achieve more, faster and more effectively than ever before."

Volker Hirsch

Head of Sales at RÖHM GmbH

Getting Deals Done with
dealcode AI